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Q: How many booster packs in a Pokemon box?
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Related questions

How many packs are there in a Pokemon booster box?

36 packs

How many booster packs are there in a box full of cardfight vanguard booster packs?


How large is a Pokemon booster box?

A booster box usually holds 36 packs and each pack has 10 cards so it would have 360 cards total!

How many booster packs are there in a box of card fight vanguard?

How much is the price of one cardfight vanguard booster box

What is the first Pokemon booster box?

it is the first pokemon movie booster box

How often do you get a prime Pokemon card?

I think that they are every 1 in 8 packs or something. If you get a booster box, you should get 5.

How many primes do you get in a Pokemon unleashed booster box?

it depends on which kind

Where can you get a pokemon booster box?


Where to buy Pokemon booster box in Singapore?

the pokemon store

Where is the best place to buy Pokemon cards?

you can buy pokemon booster packs at the city at level 2 near the newsagency

Does every one get the same lvx in a Pokemon booster box?

it depends on the Pokemon on the box.

Can you get Yu-Gi-Oh ra mega pack booster box at toysrus?

no but you can get the packs