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Only one, Zelda: Twilight Princess. However, because the Wii is backwards compatible with the Nintendo GameCube and Nintendo put the following games on a gamecube disc, The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time, may be played. In addition, Windwaker and Four Swords Adventures may be played with a Wii as well. Note: Link's Crossbow training is also for wii, and is a Zelda spin-off. Some people would count this, others wouldn't.

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Q: How many Zelda games are there for wii?
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Is there a Zelda for the Wii if there is can you say all the Zelda games you can get for the Wii?

Yes, there are two Legend of Zelda games for the Nintendo Wii. - The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword

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If you want to download The Legend of Zelda legally, you can purchase many of these games on the Nintendo eShop as Virtual Console games for the Wii, 3DS and Wii U

What are the zelda games for wii?

There are two Legend of Zelda Wii games along with a little disk you can buy called Link's Crossbow Training. The two games are The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess (Wii, Gamecube) and The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword. . Teto~

How many zelda games are there for the wii?

Two: Skyward Sword and Twilight Princess.

Are ps3 games better than the legend of Zelda games?

Sure some are better and many are worse. Just like all the Wii and DS Legend of Zelda games

Which games do Nintendo make?

They licened ALL the games on the wii but some of their games are * Pokemon * Mario * Pikmin * Zelda And Wii Own Brand. E.G. Wii Sports, Wii Fit And Others

What is the next Legend of Zelda for wii besides skyward sword?

Skyward Sword will probably be the last Zelda game for the Wii because this year the Wii is supposed to be replaced with the Wii U. The next Zelda game is supposed to be for the 3DS, followed by a game for the Wii U, but not a lot is known about those games yet.

Is Wii wipeout a multiplayer?

Neither Twilight Princess nor Skyward Sword, which are both Wii Zelda games, are multiplayer games. The Wii is compatible with GameCube games, though, so you can play the multiplayer Four Swords Adventures on it.

What consoles are Zelda wind waker on?

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess can be played on the Nintendo Gamecube, the Nintendo Wii, and Nintendo DSi.

Is The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks out on Wii?

No, but you can get a special piece of hardware that will let you play any DS games on Wii,

Wii has some Of the Best games like ssbb Zelda Metroid And Monster Hunter Tri but why are lots of 3 year old games made for wii?

The Wii had a lot of games released in 2007-2008.

Witch Legend of Zelda games for the wii and ds in 09?

Legend of Zelda Twilight princess (came out in 08 wii) Legend of Zelda Phantom hour glass (came out in 08 for ds) Legend of Zelda Spirit tracks (will come out in 09 ds/dsi)