If you are good at catching legendaries, then you would need at least 10 but 15 would be safe. If you are not good at catching legendaries, then I would get 25 ultra balls.
Buy ultra balls in Fuchsia city or Indigo Plateau.
well what you have to do is beat the elite four get mewtwo and buy ten pokeballs at whatever store and then talk to prof. oak and go to a poke mart and buy this time a ultra ball and then check your menu and poof there it is and im not lying this cheat is for Pokemon fire red and leaf green
ANSWER 1:Mewtwo appears only in Fire Red and Leaf Green. You can catch him in either of those games and then trade him to Pokemon Ruby.sorry mate its impossible only way is to trade like this guy said (: (: (: (: (: (: (:ANSWER 2:I regret to tell you that you cannot catch Mewtwo in Ruby. You can only catch Mewtwo in FireRed or LeafGreen. (You can use cheats to get it but it wouldn't be as fun).Mewtwo is at Level 70 in LeafGreen and FireRed so use an Ultra Ball/Timer Ball/Master Ball.If you need/want a Mewtwo you can trade Mewtwo into your Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald Game.
This is a NO-TRADE party... 1. Charizard (fire/flying) 2. Dragonite (dragon/flying) 3. Aerodactyl (rock/flying) 4. Mewtwo (phycic) 5. Suicune (water) or lapras (water/ice) 6. Raichu (electric) The best way to catch Mewtwo is to freeze him and get him into the yellow/orange health and throw an ultra ball at him. ( I caught him on the first ultra ball doing just that.)
well the olny way to catch chansey in a heat beat is with a master ball. if you want it just have a Pokemon that can use any sleep attack on it and lower its health and then a ultra ball and you should catch it U idiot u cant even use master or ultra balls. u only can find chansey in the safari zone. And u cant use master or ultra balls in the safari zone. just throw a rock or 2. that's how i cought mine
you have to get it down to it's lowest health then paralyze it then throw many ultra balls it won't work for a long time so bring at least 30 ultra balls
Buy ultra balls in Fuchsia city or Indigo Plateau.
Well, when i caught Articuno on fire red i brought 20 great balls, and 20 ultra balls with me, ended up capturing him on my 2nd ultra ball.... first i paralysed him using Thunderwave (i used Jolteon) then got him low and used confuse ray (i used :apras) so now Articuno has low hp and paralysis and confusion then all i had to do was use 2 ultra balls (i recommend using ultra balls, don't use the masterball, save it for later) GOOD LUCK :)
Yes, it is possible to do so.
For the most part, It's the same as it was in RBY (red blue yellow). Zapdos is in the power plant Articuno is in the seafoam islands Moltres is in a DIFFERENT spot! It is on top of one of the sevii islands in fire red! Hope this helps moltres is obviously on island one at the very back in the volcanoe. to capture them you will need about 50 or 60 ultra balls. first you need to lower their hp and when it is as low as it will go throw the ultra balls.
one thing you like can't catch manaphy in like ANY game another thing you can only catch mewtwo on Pokemon ranger and Pokemon fire red and leaf green.
all of them do u just have to get a certain way through the game
After getting it low on health and paralyzed or burned or frozen, or any other negative effect, you keep using ultra balls. If he heals, take him back down and keep using ultra balls.
yes, you can but it is VERY hard i suggest using a master or ultra ball one person on youtube caught all the legendary birds and mewtwo with a pokeball without cheating you should watch them
well what you have to do is beat the elite four get mewtwo and buy ten pokeballs at whatever store and then talk to prof. oak and go to a poke mart and buy this time a ultra ball and then check your menu and poof there it is and im not lying this cheat is for Pokemon fire red and leaf green
Mewtwo isn't in Sapphire. It is in Leaf Green and Fire Red.
to get mewtwo in red rescue team or Pokemon leaf green or fire red?