Runescape has been around for 8 years the latest. It was made in 2001. Runescape 2 was made in 2004 and Runescape HD was made in 2008. Happy to help!
There is a total of 1.2 Billion Accounts over Runescape, Which around 800,000 Of them are active..
two. Runescape Classic, and the current version of runescape.
RuneScape has over 135 million accounts created. About 8.5 million accounts out of those are active users, with around 1 - 1.5 million of them paying members. On average you will see anywhere from 100,000 - 250,000 users logged on simultaneously.
There are many level 3 accounts with a Slayer cape.
The numbers are always changing but approximately 5-6M Chinese accounts have been made.
Runescape has been around for 8 years the latest. It was made in 2001. Runescape 2 was made in 2004 and Runescape HD was made in 2008. Happy to help!
As many as you wish.
There is a total of 1.2 Billion Accounts over Runescape, Which around 800,000 Of them are active..
Trading RuneScape accounts is against the RuneScape rules. There is a black market for accounts (and RuneScape gold, which is also against the rules to trade). You can search the Web for keywords such as "Runescape gold" or "Runescape accounts", but note that, being against the RuneScape rules, none of these sites is endorsed by Jagex (the makers of RuneScape), and that many of these sites may well try to scam you.
Runescape is actually NOT a very popular game, even though there are approximately 200 million accounts created. A person is likely to have more than 1 account, and many of the extra accounts are made by autominers and scammers. If you check, Runescape's site ranking is steadily dropping. Also, it is for poofters
I hope you don't trust there are real free runescape accounts. Many players provide free runescape accounts on some game forum, which is a cheating method! I sugget you buy runescape accounts from trustworthy website, such as Farmer100. It is much cheaper than from official website but with high level skills. Good luck for you!
about 500 000 different accounts log in during a day.
Up to 3.
two. Runescape Classic, and the current version of runescape.
Around 5million out for the 50million registerd accounts created
RuneScape has over 135 million accounts created. About 8.5 million accounts out of those are active users, with around 1 - 1.5 million of them paying members. On average you will see anywhere from 100,000 - 250,000 users logged on simultaneously.