about 150 Pokemon . Unless you want to count legendary about 160.???????????????? I don't know the exact amount!!!!!!!!!!
neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
How do you get a cherrim in Pokemon diamond.
Nosepass is a swarm Pokemon on Pokemon diamond
yes, you can catch Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
You cannot catch Celebi in Pokemon Diamond.
neither of them is better, they are both the same, but in diamond, you catch dialga, and in pearl, you catch palkia, and you can catch different Pokemon in each game for example: you can catch this Pokemon in diamond, but not pearl but: you can catch this different Pokemon in pearl, but not diamond
You can catch makuhita in the fighting area in Pokemon diamond
How do you get a cherrim in Pokemon diamond.
ucant catch misdreavus in diamond
You cannot catch a Metang in Pokemon Diamond. To get one, you can evolve a Beldum.
You can't catch a Lugia anywhere in Pokemon Diamond.
Nosepass is a swarm Pokemon on Pokemon diamond