only 1, But there are 4 elder scrolls games if that's what you ment.
many traders will sell some lesser effect scrolls, the mages guild is free to join and will provide you with many spells and scrolls and when you enter an oblivion gate many deadra will drop useful scrolls
You never become an actual god in Oblivion.
Its from the game Oblivion Oblivion Soundtrack - Auriel's Ascension is the song
I started with Oblivion but saw my Dad playing Fallout 3. Fallout 3 has a much better tutorial but there is a lot of wondering about. still at least 5 times better than Oblivion though. I say go with Fallout 3 but the storyline is crap.
There is one Oblivion game.
Yes, Oblivion is only part of the series The Elder Scrolls, there are three past Elder Scroll games, Oblivion is #4 in the series. Oblivion is also the newest in the series.
bethesda is already making the seqeul to oblivion skyim
oblivion. shiiithead.
go to documents go to my games go to oblivion go to saves
Morrowind and fallout 3.
You can play Oblivion on Mac installing it with Wineskin. In Appleverse Wizard, there is a how-to-install guide to many games, including Oblivion.
Glaring Through Oblivion has 128 pages.
There are no living orcs in Oblivion in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion. However, there are many orcs throughout Cyrodil that you can find while not within one of the Oblivion gates.