There are no 9 letter English words that can be made with the given letters. The longest words are 6 letters long and they are: bleary, barely, barley, arable.
If you use the letters more than once, you can make the following words: bearberry, blaeberry, cerebella, clearable, labelable.
Words I can make with the letter is the word 'terror' are:errerrorororeretroroerotrotetotoetore
34 words (not including single letter words)
--- 29 words ---7 Letter wordspenguin5 Letter Wordsennuiequippennipiqueunpenunpin4 Letter Wordsninepeinpinequinquip3 Letter Wordsinnnipnunpenpiepinpiupun2 Letter Wordseninnenupepiqiun
--- 58 words ---7 Letter Wordsharvast6 Letter Wordsarhats5 Letter Wordsarhatavasthaarshartstahrstrashvaras4 Letter Wordsaahsartshaarharthasthatsrashrathratsshatstartahrtarstavstsarvaravarsvasavastvats3 Letter Wordsaahaasahaahsarsartashavahashatrahrasratsatshatartastavvarvasvat2 Letter Wordsaaaharasathashta
Words that can be made from the letter is 'with' are:hihitIitwit
133 words
Words I can make with the letter is the word 'terror' are:errerrorororeretroroerotrotetotoetore
34 words (not including single letter words)
Words that can be made from the letter in meal are:aalealmamlamlamemaleme
Three letter words that can be made with the letters 'bingo' are:bigbinboggingobionnibobi
--- 29 words ---7 Letter wordspenguin5 Letter Wordsennuiequippennipiqueunpenunpin4 Letter Wordsninepeinpinequinquip3 Letter Wordsinnnipnunpenpiepinpiupun2 Letter Wordseninnenupepiqiun
--- 58 words ---7 Letter Wordsharvast6 Letter Wordsarhats5 Letter Wordsarhatavasthaarshartstahrstrashvaras4 Letter Wordsaahsartshaarharthasthatsrashrathratsshatstartahrtarstavstsarvaravarsvasavastvats3 Letter Wordsaahaasahaahsarsartashavahashatrahrasratsatshatartastavvarvasvat2 Letter Wordsaaaharasathashta