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It would take about 1 month or maybe longer or shorter depending on the hours you play. but once you get 80 dungeoneering and get a chaotic weapon it is very much worth it.

Also once you get your first chaotic, it has been said to be 3 times quicker for your next one :P

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Q: How long would 80 dungeoneering take on runescape?
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How long does 99 dungeoneering take in runescape?

I believe the Dungeoneering skill goes up to 120. The longest time it takes to get to 99 Dungeoneering depends on your combat level, as you go deeper in Daemonheim, the monster will be more powerful. Depending on you and your team mates levels the monsters/bosses levels will change also.

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You need 40,000 Dungeoneering tokens, so you need to get about 400,000 Dungeoneering experience. I couldn't find any reference on how much experience you typically get per hour, and I don't have enough experience myself yet.

How long does a chaotic rapier or longsword take to get in Runescape dungeoneering 10hrs per day solo?

5-7 days, depending how fast you can do the floors and your current dunge level.

How long does it take for 70-80 dungeoneering?

a year

How long will 85 dungeoneering take to get solo on runescape i play 5 hours a day on average and am lvl 52 at the moment?

I couldn't find much information on how much experience you can get per hour, but Dungeoneering is supposed to be fairly fast. However, I suggest you play with a team, since you get experience faster that way.

Can you take a gravity shortbow out of dundgeoneering on runescape?

If by Gravity Shortbow you mean the Gravite Shortbow, it's a reward bought from the Reward trader for 40,000 Dungeoneering tokens outside of Dungeoneering. It can't be brought into the dungeons and isn't an item in the dungeons.

How long will 99 dungeoneering take from 38?

It depends on how good you are, but getting 1-99 Dungeoneering via an experienced leach team can be as quick as a week or two.

How long would it take to get 50-85 dungeoneering playing at least 3 hours a day?

a very long my point of view without someone with you dung. is really boring

How long does it take to make 2000 pizza doughs in runescape?

well if you played runescape 24/7 it would take probealy take 2-3 days to do .

Where the new dungeon in runescape?

If you are talking about the new skills dungeoneering dungeon. Then it is at the back of al kharid bank. You need to take a boat ride from there which will take you to island. You need to go on top of the island where you can start the game.

The money you make in dongeneering on runescape how do you kieep it?

You don't. You might notice that the name of the money is different: "rusty coins" instead of "coins". You can't take anything (or almost anything - there are a few exceptions) into dungeoneering, or out of it. The money in dungeoneering is used exclusively to advanced dungeoneering. For example, you can buy arrows, rune essence to make runes, raw food (which you must cook), or ores to convert into armour and weapons.

How long would it take to get from 60 to 99 cooking on runescape?

4-8 hr