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I heard that is was 6 hours

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Q: How long is the long term auction in LaTale?
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What does the term 'auction rate security' often refer to?

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Is Latale safe for an 11 year old?

Latale may contain Bad Launguage and stalkers But it is QUITE safe :) I suggest to start with a Private Server : GamesPirate LaTale :)

Is latale a girl game?

The idiot's that answered before me are wrong,LaTale is a game for girl's and boy's mostly there are more boy's. LaTale is a cute game so people may think ti's for girl's only but it's not.

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no latale did not close down if your game is not starting and directing you straight to the website installer the ogplanet game launcher

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Are there any LaTale Hacks?

Sadly, there aren't any by the moment...

Is la tale for kids?

Yes,But most people in LaTale are aged over 13.

Where to find flushed cheeks in latale?

To find Flushed Cheeks you should dig in certain areas :)

Are there any latal hacks I mean LaTale?

Not there is no hacks.. sorry but that game long time dont have hacks... i used hacks on the closed beta.. and open beta.. then the game updated and nothing no hacks..

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