Less than 1 day(in between 1-24hours) :P
It could very from a day or two day's.
That Entirely depends on how many hours a day you play runescape.
It depends how long you are on Runescape.
Yes he is one of the most legendary Runescape players. Alot of people may not know of his lengendess, but one day everyone will know the mass effect of Jbs165 for recreatilizing the statistics of the fundamentals on Runescape.
Nope there's no limits, as long as you get one as a drop, you can do it.
In RuneScape, there is no time system - meaning day and night do not cycle - so one RS day is never-ending. There are skyboxes and lighting in-game (clan citadels, Draynor village, Meyerditch) that make the environment appear to be night-time, though Citadels allow for the setting to be adjusted freely.
That is impossible. I takes 72 hours strait.
your mom quit runescape a day
It can be at times, but It does gradually get boring to you play it for too long every day.
that's a tough one.
Depends on your Woodcutting level, what axe you are using and how long you play per day.
You would be looking at around 2 - 10 weeks, but this entirely depends on how long you will be on runescape training the skill a-day.
runescape prepaid cards are I believe $7.50 for one month that's all I know at the moment.
There are 2 types of cards: 30-day subscription (USD 9.00), 90-day subscription (USD 22.00)
around about 6 months?