A full Minecraft day and night is 20 minutes long. The day alone is 10 minutes, or 13 if you count sunrise and sunset.
One Minecraft day is 20 minutes. Day is 10 minutes, and night is 10 minutes.
A day is 12 min. and a night is 7 min.
The day-night cycle in Minecraft is 20 minutes long:10 minutes of daylight1.5 minutes of dusk7 minutes of night1.5 minutes of dawn
1-2 days
One Minecraft day is 20 minutes. Day is 10 minutes, and night is 10 minutes.
Each block is 1 meter long and 1 meter wide, so a kilometer is 1000 blocks.
It took mine about 1 week
Minecraft updates are released on the same day.
1 day 1 day
24 hours = 1 day 6 hours = (6 / 24) = 1/4 of a day 1 day = four (1/4)s of a day 1 day is 4 times as long as 6 hours.
1 day has 24 hours. 1 day is 12 times long than 2 hours.
/time set day
Yes, they sell it on the official Minecraft website. As long as Minecraft is a beta, it's 25 % off :)
Mojang updates minecraft when they feel the patch's are ready. It seems it averages around 3 months. It's been updated in little as 1 month and as long as 5+ months.
Protection 1 in Minecraft simply 'ups' the level of damage absorbed by your armor.