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Q: How long does labor last in the sims 3?
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How long does a Sims 2 pregnancy last?

3 days.

Can you have babies on The Sims 3 for PS3?

Yes you can in PS3, XBOX 360, and Wii. As long as your Sims follow Pregnancy Steps, which last for 3 days in Sims Time.

How long does the pet pregnancy last on sims 2 pets?

2-3 sim days

How long are sims pregnant for in Sims 3?

They are 3-4 sim days long.

How do you give your sims a disease on Sims 3?

Sorry, but you can't unless you are a vegetarian. If you eat meat your sim will throw up but it doesn't last long.

How long does horses labor last?

as long as it takes - approximetly 3 to 9 hours

What is the latest Sim's game?

The last 'The Sims' game that was released was The Sims 3 Generations. The Secret Helper.

Is The Sims 3 Late Night expansion pack compatible with Windows XP?

The Sims 3 Late Night works with any kind of Windows, just as long as you already have The Sims 3 downloaded and working on it. Note: The Sims 3 starts up with the last game downloaded. Example: for me I downloaded in this order: The Sims 3, The Sims 3 Ambitions, than The Sims 3 Late Night. And now, all I have to do is put in my Late Night disk, and poof! Up pops The Sims 3!

How can you change the last name of your Sims on Sims 3 after you married two Sims but the female Sims' last name did not change?

Go to City Hall and click on it and it will say 'Change Name'.

What is the last Sims 3 game?

EA is still currently releasing new Sims 3 expansion packs, the newest one being the Sims 3 University Life.

Is there cancer on Sims 3?

Of course not! There is no diseases in the Sims 3, so they can live long lives.

How long to horses stay pregnant in sims 3?

3 days - like a normal sims 3 pregnancy