Larvesta takes between 10,455-10,709 steps to hatch. You can lower the step time by having a Pokemon with the Flame Body or Magma Armor ability at the front of your party, and/or (in 6th generation games) use a Hatching Power O-Power.
it takes 5100 steps to hatch the larvesta egg given to you by the Pokemon ranger.
Larvesta evolves into Volcarona.
It takes 10,496 steps for a Larvitar egg to hatch.
9860 steps
It Takes 5100 Steps to Hatch Staryu EGG
10,240 steps.from
it takes 5100 steps to hatch the larvesta egg given to you by the Pokemon ranger.
Um idk but most of the time if it's a rare egg it takes 450-500 steps
You need to surf to Route 18 first. Then, find a house near a bridge. There will be 2 or 3 people inside. One of them will give you a Larvesta egg, which will hatch into a level 1 Larvesta.
Larvesta evolves into Volcarona at level 59. If you're just going for Pokédex completion, hatch the Larvesta egg and then just catch a Volcarona.
A Larvesta egg hatches after 10,455-10,709 steps.
It takes 5 hours to hatch.
it will take 999999999999 steps to hatch a egg
Budgie eggs typically take about 18-21 days to hatch.
10-12 days to hatch
It takes them 5 to 6 days to hatch!!
Forget about how long they take to hatch. Get to an emergency room and get them removed!