

Best Answer

I checked the guide, it said about 14 hours or so.

Usually, you should wait 6-8 hours. Try not to leave it longer than 16 hours. Between 6 and 16 hours after the slathering of the tree is the prime time for rare Pokemon. Do not wait longer than one day, though, as the honey would be worn off by then.

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Q: How long does it take for a Pokemon to appear at the honey tree in Pokemon Platinum?
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How long does it take for honey to work?

Six hours after you put honey on the tree, a Pokemon will usually appear. Sometimes the Pokemon will eat the honey and leave though, so you will occasionally come back and find no Pokemon there, but your honey gone. Also, if you leave honey on a tree for too long, then the honey will be eaten and the Pokemon will leave before you can battle it, this happens twenty-four hours after you put honey on the tree.

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After you put the honey on the tree, it'll take about six hours for a Pokemon to appear, but it might not be Cherubi.

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Well, the Pokèmon that appear on the tree are randomized; you can get a Heracross on Mt. Silver in HeartGold and SoulSilver, but it usually takes 6-8 hours for a Pokèmon to appear on a Honey Tree after you slather the bark with Honey.

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go to the yellow trees that are spread out in the game and click a in front of the tree and it will say would you like to put honey on it and after a long time a Pokemon will appear on it

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The honey dissapears

Were do you find a shiny Pokemon on Pokemon Platinum?

A Shiny Pokemon can be found anywhere as long as wild Pokemon appear; even legendaries like Palkia or Dialga can appear Shiny! They are just extremely rare with a very low chance of 1/8192 encounters to find a Shiny.

Does putting more honey on a honey tree in Pokemon Platinum make a difference?

No it doesn't. Just put the honey once on a tree and wait at least 6 hours. Don't wait too long because after 24 hours the tree is empty again and you have to put new honey on it.

How long do you have to wait after the Pokemon league in Pokemon platinum?

7 days. XD

How do you get a full Sinnoh Pokedex on pokemon platinum?

first you have to battle with every pokemon like i did! it took me a long time but i did it on platinum i also have all legendary pokemon

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You can find them at: Trophy gardens when Bracklot (the master of the Pokemon mansion) says they are in his trophy garden and at route 218, however, it may take a long time for them to appear in both places.

How do you find feebas in Pokemon Platinum?

To get Feebas you have to go to mount coronet to where you get a lake, surf on the lake and go to the top right corner. You then fish twice in the corner and then move along. Feebas will eventually appear but it may take a long time! Hope this helps! Pokemon Platinum Guider

How long does in take for Pokemon in Pokemon platinum to have eggs?

Not long mybe 500-2000 steps. Depends on the egg.