It can all depend how long they can grow. On PC, you can trigger their age by selecting from 1 day to around 70 days of a child to live.
Otherwise on the Playstation, you can trigger their age and they can live up to a certain amount.
3 Days( sim time) But they don't turn into adults, just children. --JBiebzx :D
It takes three Sim days for the baby to turn into a child.
It takes about a week (in sim time)
If you are talking about The Sims 2, below the picture of the your Sim there will be a little bar, on the bar there will be how many days it will take until that Sim grows up.
Only the baby can grow up. Which is 3 days. The boy or girl Sim(child sim) can't grow up.
3 Days( sim time) But they don't turn into adults, just children. --JBiebzx :D
about 3 sim days i think
Around eight Sim days.
It takes three Sim days for the baby to turn into a child.
It takes about a week (in sim time)
If you are talking about The Sims 2, below the picture of the your Sim there will be a little bar, on the bar there will be how many days it will take until that Sim grows up.
Yeh. They'll grow into a kid after a few Sim days. But they won't grow to an adult after that.
Only the baby can grow up. Which is 3 days. The boy or girl Sim(child sim) can't grow up.
turn him into a plant sim then cheat him to a kid.
No,But If You Want Your Sim To Grow Faster Buy A Birthday Cake From Buy Mode & Click The Last Tab And Click On The Ball Then Buy It And Put It On A Table And Click on The Cake And Click On The Childs Name And They Will Celbrate The Birthday & The Kid Will Grow :)