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Since these trees are at the top of the woodcutting trees hierarchy, they take a while (usually 2-3 minutes in a medium-sized server) to respawn after being cut down. It's highly recommended for players to change world after cutting another if standing in a spot with a lot of other players. However, since trees respawn faster on busier worlds, another alternative is for players to cut magic trees on busy worlds that don't have many players in the area. For players with a high farming level, it's recommended to plant a magic tree since only the player who planted the tree can cut it. In this case, having a Hydra ( Summoning ) will be greatly helpful since its special move can regrow a tree on a farming patch instantly, resulting in one of, if not the fastest way to cut them.

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Q: How long does a magic tree take to respawn in runescape?
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That depends. In a populated world trees will respawn every 2 minutes or so. If you are woodcutting near the mage training area, it will take about 6 minutes. If you farm a magic tree, you can use the hydra to spawn the magic tree instantly each time it is depleted. dont forget you get a boost with your 99 woodcutting cape. gnome tree stronghold is a great place to cut magics.

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This depends on alot of things, Your woodcutting level, If you are going to buy or cut them, How long you play Where you are cutting them, But usually it would take about 2 days to get 2k magic logs

How long does it take to get a full inventory of magic logs in Runescape?

It depends on your woodcutting level and what hatchet you use. It can take from 10 minutes to 30 minutes depending on that.

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Depending on what level your magic is, how much money you have, how long you going to train per day. The best way to get 80 magic is get to 55 by using superheat or if your lower level magic just some combat spells. Then once at 55 magic alch yew longbows (or something else for better profit). This will take a long time depending on what level your magic is and how many things you need to alch.

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How long does it take for a magic tree to come back in runescape?

Instantly - if you plant your own magic tree in a tree patch, and use a hydra familiar, and a special regrowth scroll to make it regrow. Otherwise, several minutes.