1 day for your first offense. 1 week for your second offense. 3 weeks for your third offense. 6 months for your 4 offense.
Usually for 10 to 30 minutes.
There is no way to beat the last level you can keep going on but the only outcome you'll get is the same ending and death every time, all you could achieve on this is how long you can survive and that's it. This level is truly undefeatable.
It depends on how much you play it.
Yes, Reach recently came out and the series will not end for a long time because it is so popular a lot of money will be spent on Halo games so it would be stupid to not continue it.
Sgt Johnson died in HALO 3(last level) by the monitors laser after he tried to activateHALO (they activated the broken HALO from HALO 1 so they can destroy the Ark-activates all the HALO's). Masterchief got lasered twice short and Arbiter got lasered once long. Eventually Masterchief killed the monitor and activated HALO. He left Sgt Johnson to die because Sgt Johnson wanted to. Masterchief and Arbiter escaped in a Warthog and Drove to the Frigate.
Its over
it will last until halo reach the game comes out from September to December
you dont survive you have to die
First of all reach is not an expansion to halo 3, its completely different and takes place before any of the halo games, And second the camouflage last about 30 - 35 seconds
You have to PLay Matchmaking for a long time it's one of the last ranks.
The beta begins on May 3rd. Bungie says it will last as long as it needs to last for them to collect the data they need and then it will last until it comes out
defeat? the point of that mission is to see how long you can last, you are destined to die in the game.
Technically, Halo Reach is the sixth game made in the franchise. However, if you're talking about an actual game called Halo 6, then there won't be one. Bungie and Microsoft's last game together is Halo Reach. Bungie decided to team up with Blizzard instead. Since both companies own rights to the game, there will not be anymore Halos forthcoming.
It's a little bit longer than halo 3
It doesn't take long it downloaded for me in a few minutes.
In my opinion, they're a lot longer than Halo 3's.
Yes, the elite can play Halo: Reach as long as it's the Xbox 360 version. I don't think the PlayStation 3 has Halo, but I'm not sure.