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3 days after u make a multiplayer account if u havnt receeved an email by the forth day try login in !

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Q: How long do you have to wait before playing on wolfquest?
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Is there a wolfquest 2.5?

wolfquest will come out in September or October. i can not wait yes there is going to be one. there is going to siting and sleeping. snow sunrise and sundown. its going to be awesome. we will have to wait for it to come out before we get all the information. your wolfquest player shadow/crystalbethany/Emma

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i am a basketball player how long do i have to wait before playing again,had appendix removed last Thursday night

How do you download Wolfquest 2.5?

you can wait for it to come out

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Wait until next wolfquest comes out

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dontt ask stupid things

Does anybody have a WolfQuest username and password?

i do! i do! WAIT..... why do you ask?

How do you you have pupies in wolfquest?

You can not get puppies in Amtheyst Mountain. You have to wait until Wolfquest 2 comes out in I think August 2009

How long should you wait before playing sports after breaking your big toe?

well about 3 days

How long do have to wait before you can bath puppies?

Puppies should not be bathed until they are at least 8 weeks old. Younger puppies are not able to regulate their body temperature well and are more sensitive to cold. Waiting until they are 8 weeks old ensures they are more capable of handling the bathing process without any risks.

When will spring come on WolfQuest?

On WolfQuest 2.5.1 when you get to Slough creek with your mate find your land mark it then wait few mins then its spring

How do you get multiplayer to work on WolfQuest?

First you get a yahoo account..(if you don't have one already) then you register at After you register you will get a email from wolfquest on yahoo it will say you have to wait so we can activate your usually have to wait 1- 4 days and when it is activated you will get another email from wolfquest saying you can now play mulitplayer

Can you download WolfQuest 3 right now?

no, you cannot... just be patient, I can't wait either but just wait