The Sim would a family aspiration that makes their wants things like have a baby; Compared to a person with the romance aspiration that would have wants like have three loves at the same time.
Yes... You can. Get to know a sim of the opposite sex really well, then if your sim is family oriantated click on the other sim you want to have a babie with, then click 'special' then 'family oriantated' then select 'have a baby' if your sim is not family oriantated go to a double bed, then click 'relax' then get the other sim to relax with you, then click on 'try for a baby' if that doesnt come up straight away, click on the other sim and select 'cuddle' then it should come up, if not get to know the other sim better. Hope this helps :)
You do this by making the sim you want to get rid of move. But when you move it tick the box which says kick out, that will get rid f the sim from your sim family.
if they are already in a family and in the bin then you can't edit them. *but if you havent saved them as a family yet, you click on their icon and click the pencil and it takes you back to their create a sim page :)
Sure, you can create your own Sim to play in your game. You could also choose to play a Sim that came pre-installed with your game by selecting their house in the neighborhood view or moving a Sim or Sim family from the Family Bin into a house in the same neighborhood view.
you cant you have to have a sim
Yes... You can. Get to know a sim of the opposite sex really well, then if your sim is family oriantated click on the other sim you want to have a babie with, then click 'special' then 'family oriantated' then select 'have a baby' if your sim is not family oriantated go to a double bed, then click 'relax' then get the other sim to relax with you, then click on 'try for a baby' if that doesnt come up straight away, click on the other sim and select 'cuddle' then it should come up, if not get to know the other sim better. Hope this helps :)
If it is a sim that you created, there is a Family Bin when you edit town that your sim (and the whole family they were part of) will be preserved in it's original state. It can be placed into the town and merged into the family you had it in, but it will be like a brand new sim. If it was not a created sim, but a game-generated sim, there is no way to recover it.
If your meaning "waking another Sim of your family", you have to have a sleeping sim, then instantly click the sleeping sim, click Wake.
you can make a family and raise it.
If you have the sim that is not part of your family with you at your house then you can go to the map view and then zoom in to that place and click on the floor and there should be an option "Go here with...".
Only to a family member in a 'family kiss'
If your sim has the Family Asperation that's why.
On the homescreen click create a household and from there on you can customize your family/sim!
If you have a sim, go on create a sim, then look in the SIM BIN. If you have uploaded a family, they should be in your SIM LIBRARY.
You do this by making the sim you want to get rid of move. But when you move it tick the box which says kick out, that will get rid f the sim from your sim family.
Here are the simple ones:Forcetwins- makes sim have twins, sim must be pregnantforcetriplets- make your sim have triplets, sim must be preg.quadforce- make your sim have quads, sim must be preg.keching- gives sim family 1,000 sim dollarsmotherlode- gives a sim family 50,000 sim dollarsmoveobjects on/off- allows you to move things that you cannot usually move ex: mailbox, trash bin.maxmotives- makes yous sims all fully contentAsprirationPoints # 1-5- gives sim aspiration points.