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Don't listen to the person below. It's a great game, despite the graphics not being as good I actualy like it better than wolfquest. Wolf is also a 100% free game and offers a lot more options than wolfquest does. Unlike in WolfQuest you actualy have to eat and drink to keep yourself alive. In WolfQuest you only have to eat if you get injured.

Though Wolf was based on prior knowledge of when scientist thought wolves fought for rank in a pack, it's still a much more fun game. WolfQuest keeps you with the knowledge that an alpha wolf is just a mother and father, beta is there first litter who stays with them to help take care of the second leader before leaving, and omegas are the second litter. Wolf dosn't know this process due to the time period it was made in, but it actualy alows you to play in a pack and not just with your mate.

WolfQuest has two modes 'scenario' and 'Multiplayer'

Senario is basicly the same everytime, your a two year old wolf looking for a mate. You have to visit three packs and 'talk' to a wolf. Then you can look for one as a mate. Then if you choose to you can go to the next area in the game and have pups. You teach them to stay by the den and once they are bigger you try to get the to the 'summer home'

Multiplayer allows you to play with up to four other people, this is fun and not a feauture allowed in Wolf but it gets boreing fast.

Wolf has to modes as well 'scenario' and 'simulation'

Scenario allows you to play any of the pre-set situations the game has. Theres stuff like you're an injured male wolf and need to find water. Can you find water in 12 hours? There a many things like hunting challenges, pack challenges, mate/pup challenges, and one I remember where a buncha hunters are after you for killing there cow. These might seem easy but they are actually quite challenging and it's worth playing. They help you get used to the controlls making Stimulation mode more fun.

Simulation mode let's you set up you pack and you basicly get to do whatever you want. The only problem is you don't get to make up your own wolf character and must play by there pre-made ones. Also you may or may not be Alpha, and getting to Alpha status is quite hard. If you are Alpha your pack follows you(unless they venture off to hunt to get water) while if you aren't you have to follow them or risk getting lost. I can't tell you about how the mating/pups work cause I've yet to figure out how to do it. I've heard that you mate will approch you during mating season if your alpha. I've heard also your get to name the pups. As far as I'm concerned thats the most 'character customization' there is.

Now while the graphics are oviously not going to be as good as in WolfQuest they are impressive for there time. The land scape is beautifuly done and being a 2D the effects are much better. In WolfQuest the water dosn't really move with you, but in Wolf they try to make it look like it is. Also prey killed in the water dosnt disapear like it does in WolfQuest. Unlike the cool cumtomization ability in WolfQuest, Wolf's wolves are determined by there age. A black or dark grey wolf is fairly old, while a brown wolf is young. It's actualy a helpful game function, but some markings would help with differenting the wolves in your pack. Otherwise it's dosn't bother me at all.

In WolfQuest you have two prey options, Elk (bull and cow) and Rabbits. You also have to annoying predators that try to steal your food and pup, bear and coyote.

Wolf gives you a much bigger variety of food depening on the area you play in.

Artic- Moose, Caribou, MuskOx, Rabbit

Timber- Moose, Deer, Elk, Beaver, Rabbit

Plains- Moose, Deer, Caribou, Bison, Beaver, Rabbit

The game plays through all found season, I believe WolfQuest's story line only goes through two or three. On the Wolf simulation mode you can choose how much of each prey type there is, how many hunters (arial and land) how long the game goes on (weeks-infinity), the weather, the starting season, and how many starnger wolves and wolf packs there are.

The game is ingeneral much better the WoflQuest, the only thing WolfQuest has over Wolf in my opinion is the chracter cumtomization, the wolf pack rankings, and the Multiplayer mode.



it is a crappy game it sucks all you can do is run jump and kill i suggest getting the game wolfquest it is good you get to be a wolf and its 100% free.

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