For what game??????...
Mario and Sonic at the Olympic games in London. Probably. I am not so sure just yet.
The green tent, as far as I know, does not exist. But there is a Blue Tent and Red Tent, received from the Trick Master after completing his final maze. Sorry!
at the starting of the game,Bowser is atomactly in the game but it is a whole different story if your talking about where you have to help those snow spirts.In that case, you have to go to the very end of the game and beat him in this big olympic game. Idon't know what game, but my friend looked it up at this website and said it was a big game and it would be tough because he is on hard mode.
Next to the tent in golden rod city you know the tent were you play the game with that guy if you dont its behind the radio tower the building im talking about is left to the tent so all you have to do is go in that building go down the stairs and a guy from team rocket will be there he will give a uniform were you will return to the radio tower. Hope this was useful.
No, Greece did on 2004 Olympic game
The ancient olympic game.
olympic game is the shait of the game
no, its a winter olympic game
The first Olympic game was taken place in Greece
Yes it was a Olympic game .
The Olympic Games.
Baseball is not an Olympic sport.
Olympic Summer Games - video game - was created in 1996.