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Without any feather falling, the default amount is 24 blocks and you will die. However, with feather falling boots you will be able to fall much further than that.

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Q: How high do you have to fall in minecraft to die?
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Can you die on Minecraft creative mode?

you can die if you break through the layer of bed rock on the bottom and fall into the black void underneath the bedrock then u will die. Also, if you fly to high it will instantly reset you! also if you do /kill you will die.

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Yes after he's long high fall

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Minecraft characters are approximately 2 blocks high.

How does the person falling from the tower not die?

Because they didn't fall from that high and they landed on grass

How high upwards does a person have to fall downwards to absolutely die?

Well it all depends on how hard the surface you fall on. If you fall on ground the median height is usually 33 feet minimum which is roughly 3 stories high.

How many blocks do you have to fall down to die in minecraft?

Well, honey, in Minecraft, a player will start taking fall damage if they fall from a height of 4 blocks or higher. If a player falls from a height of 23 blocks or more, they will die upon impact. So, to answer your question, you have to fall down at least 23 blocks to meet your untimely demise in the pixelated world of Minecraft.

HOW DO you fall down on Minecraft?

Climb a hill, and jump off it. If gravity exists you will fall down.

Why do people hold on to cliffs a hundred or more feet high when they are about to fall?

So that they don't die.

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Cows fall from minecraft!

Do dogs poop in minecraft?

Yes, if your dog falls too high or gets hit by monsters it is almost 100% assuring that your dog will die.

Will pet wolves come back to you if you die in minecraft?

No. If they die they die.