They have to have a high relationship with a dog of the opposite sex, buy a dog house and click on it (as the dog) and click try for puppies!
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
Sims 3 Pets is an expansion pack for the sims 3. You need the sims 3 to play it. The Sims 3 Pets adds pets to the game, as well as a new town called Appaloosa Plains.
No only on the sims 3 pets pc
Pregnancies are the same length as usual; three days. Hiya! Yes pregnancies are three days long, I had 2 dogs, Rico and Rita, they had 4 puppies: Tabby, Milly, Morgana and Wizard. Good luck with your dog breeding!
The only thing I can suggest is making your dog dig for it and eventually your dog will return with palladium
meet a nother male dog then cilck on have puppies
you can't get puppies unless you get the sims 3 pets expansion pack.
In The Sims 3 Pets Demo, all you can do is create pets. You can create a dog, cat, or horse. You don't actually get to play with them though.
No, you cannot have Sims 2 pets on Sims 3. You must have Sims 3 pets for Sims 3 or Sims 2 pets for Sims 2.
You cannot find it because dogs will only work if you have the sims 3 pets.
Yes but you can only on the sims pets sims 1: cat dog sims 2:same :C sims 3: cat dog and horses and unicorn
no, there are no pets on the sims 3.
Yes. Now there is the sims 3 pets, the sims 3 pets expansion pack also the sims 3 plus pets.
U can be the pet and the sims, U can control the pets and the sims in sims 3 pets
No, you have to buy the SIMS 3 PETS for the pets
Sims 3 Pets is an expansion pack for the sims 3. You need the sims 3 to play it. The Sims 3 Pets adds pets to the game, as well as a new town called Appaloosa Plains.