Whismer will evolve at level twenty because i just evolved him this very minute. ^_^
I'm not sure, but in Ruby version, which takes place in the same region as Emerald, Whismur evolves at Lvl. 20. Hope this helps :)
Catch a whismur and evolve it twice, once into loudred and again into exploud.
1) train whismur to a good level 2) go on my pokemon 3) under whismur it will say evolve me 4) click evolve 5) you have evolved whismur into loudred
To evolve Whismur, you have to get him to level 20. He then evolves into his next form at level 40.
Whismur evolves at level 20 into Loudred lol this is awesome thanks ya!
I'm not sure, but in Ruby version, which takes place in the same region as Emerald, Whismur evolves at Lvl. 20. Hope this helps :)
Catch a whismur and evolve it twice, once into loudred and again into exploud.
Whismur evolves into Loudred on level 20, and Exploud on level 40.
To evolve Whismur, you need to train Whismur to Level 20. Whismur evolves into Loudred.
Whismur will evolve around level 27.
Whismur evolves to Loadred level 20, then to Exploud at level 40.
1) train whismur to a good level 2) go on my pokemon 3) under whismur it will say evolve me 4) click evolve 5) you have evolved whismur into loudred
To evolve Whismur, you have to get him to level 20. He then evolves into his next form at level 40.
You evolve a whismur.
Whismur can evolve starting at level 20 into Loudred. Starting at level 40 Loudred can evolve into Exploud the last evolution of Whismur.
Whismur evolves into Loudred at level 20.
Whismur evolves at level 20 into Loudred lol this is awesome thanks ya!