It occurs when Sonic is in his super form and is extremely stressed. The exposure of chaos energy in his body along with the feeling of anxiety causes him to become Fleetway Sonic✨
fleetway super sonic only appears in westen sonic comics
Fleet way sonic is only in the western sonic comics. He is an evil form of super sonic when sonic has to much power or is under high stress.After fleet way sonic is done defeating a enemy he attacks his freinds.Fleetway sonic got separated from sonic and then got trapped in a magical mirrior.After fleet way got out he lost his membory.
He turns into Dark SONIC when he is Angry or upset :)
No, you cannot turn into Super Sonic in Ultimate Flash Sonic.
you turn super sonic first,then,get the smash ball and press your speicial buton.
fleetway super sonic only appears in westen sonic comics
he is in any!
Sonic The Hedgehog Comic
Fleetway Super Sonic is a version of Sonic the Hedgehog from the British Sonic the Comic series. Unlike the compassionate hero Sonic, Fleetway Super Sonic is a malevolent and destructive entity created when Sonic becomes consumed by his own rage. He is depicted as a powerful and sinister character with a thirst for chaos and destruction.
It's true, because they're friction resistant. Sonic could never break the sound barrier with friction in his way. If you want more information on this, see Fleetway's (Fleetway is like Archie Sonic Comics, but based in Europe) the Origins of Sonic.
Crisis - Fleetway - ended in 1991.
He learned or will learn new skills, and stuff that will assist him in new games in the future, go look at all the sonic games that have sonic the hedgehog in them and you will see that sonic learns new things like these things, I know sonic has Spin dash, Spin attack, Homing attack, light speed dash, Speed Break, Time Break, Aqua sphere, Fire sphere, Ring time, Gravity Dive, Meteor burst, Super Sonic, Darkspine Sonic, Darksuper Sonic, Hyper Sonic, Sonic the Werehog, Excabular Sonic, non-Sega made transformation's(Dark Hyper Sonic, Fury Sonic, Tron Sonic, Female Sonic, Ultra Sonic, Sonic the cat, Fleetway Super Sonic, Fleetway Hyper Sonic, Fire Sonic) That's all I know so had my answer helped you out I bet it did.
Fleetway is Sonic's out-of-control super form. otherwise known as Super sonic.. a psychic (pajamas. XD) and someone else helped him when he lost his memory. lets just say: fleetway is demonic. he almost killed tails and a rabbit, but sonic snapped out of it in time. Fleetway looks like Super, only with ripped spikes, gloves, socks, and even fangs. he has hypnotic red eyes, with red "spirals" around them, which i think are circles..when sonic goes into this form, he forgets about his friends, and goes after the last person he was thinking about. (shown in one comic where he was talking about amy, and he fell into the well the chaos emeralds were in, along with the master emerald, and he transformed, came out, and said: "now, what was that name i was thinking of....oh yes...AMY ROSE!" and flew away to find her. he found her and said "AMY ROSE! prepare to meet your DOOM!!" and almost attacked her.)
Fleet way sonic is only in the western sonic comics. He is an evil form of super sonic when sonic has to much power or is under high stress.After fleet way sonic is done defeating a enemy he attacks his freinds.Fleetway sonic got separated from sonic and then got trapped in a magical mirrior.After fleet way got out he lost his membory.
When Sonic turn to Super Sonic he turns Gold not Yellow.
sonic cant turn into super sonic because they are two different charaters
It was dark sonic.