Conkers is a traditional children's game in Great Brittan. It is played with a dried chestnut, known in the UK as a conker, threaded on a string. The players strike another player's conker with their own. The goal of the game is to break one's opponent's conker, while theirs remains unscathed.
I think there is something you have to get to play xbox games on the 360 if you have the hdd then yes you can
There are many sites one can play the game Spades online for free. One can play the game for free at Pogo, Gamesville, Primarygames and Gamescolony. One can also download the game for free from Google play.
One game to play at a sleepover is movie trivia. You can also play the who am I game.
They Might!Do you remember the old classic Conkers Bad Fur Day?Have you noticed that Conkers BFD is on Nintendo? I think Nintendosold Conker to Microsoft (XBox).Microsoft might make another conker for XBox 360 because it's a new console4 conker! and i hope they do!
You can play the game at a lot of various websites you could also download the game from websites and you could buy it from any shop to play on. You could also play the Breakout game online.
Conkers are named after the hard, shiny seeds of the horse chestnut tree which are called "conkers." The game of conkers involves stringing these seeds together and trying to break your opponent's conker.
Conkers do not live anywhere, and do not exist in reality. It is the name of a character from a video game that was released on the xbox.
The horse chestnut tree produces conkers, which are the seeds found inside the spiky capsules that fall to the ground in autumn. The conkers are popular for playing the traditional British game of conkers, where players try to smash each other's conkers by taking turns to strike them.
yes you can all you need is project 64k and conkers bad fur day ROM
Unlikely, as the first written records of the game are in 1821 and the first recorded game of Conkers using Horse Chestnuts was on the Isle of Wight in 1848. However as it is a children's game, it is possible that children may have played a similar game much earlier without attracting the attention of adults so the absence of earlier written records does not prove that it was not played in much earlier times.
Yes! It is the best kids game ever too!