Emperor Pilaf got a hold of the Dragonballs but then adult Goku stopped him before anything bad happened. So Emperor Pilaf wished he was a kid and it Happened!
Yes In Dragon Ball Z He Called Goku Uncle When He Was A Kid
Technically Dragon Ball GT is the end of the Dragon Ball series, but the fans made up Dragon Ball AF, so I think the end of Dragon Ball Z. And you might be talking about the end of Dragon Ball Z which is when Kid Buu is destroyed, annihilated. Wrong its over when uub the reincarnation of kid buu and goku fly away to uubs home village to train and when their done that's when GT begins Goku comes back and gets changed into a little kid
you can't
Goku defeats Kid Buu and after, leaves with Ubb to go to his village to train with him. That's the last episode but he comes back 4 years later and that's the first episode Dragon ball GT
after dragon ball gt is either dragon ball Kai or dragon ball af. Dragon ball Kai is the new remake about dragon ball z and gt combined and changed. It will have new features and will have cool new stuff. I've read about it and hears about it. Dragon ball af is supposed to be coming out after gt because of the new enemies and new transformations and fusions including bardock ssj, raditz ssj, broly ssj 4, broly ssj 5, goku ssj 5, vegeta ss5, cell and kid buu fusion, cell and freiza fusion, kid buu and freiza fusion, gogeta ss5, goku ssj6, goku ssj7, goku ssj8, goku ssj9, goku ssj10, goku ssj11, goku ssj12, vegeta ssj6, vegeta ssj7, vegeta ssj8, vegeta ssj9, vegeta ssj10, vegeta ssj11, vegeta ssj12, and gogeta ss12. that's all i know but its supposed to happen.
there episodes of when goku was a kid
probably not. goku is a kid and is training in heaven with the dragon. There is a dragon ball gt movie but it is about goku's great-grandson
Goku never fought himself
Yes In Dragon Ball Z He Called Goku Uncle When He Was A Kid
hell no
Technically Dragon Ball GT is the end of the Dragon Ball series, but the fans made up Dragon Ball AF, so I think the end of Dragon Ball Z. And you might be talking about the end of Dragon Ball Z which is when Kid Buu is destroyed, annihilated. Wrong its over when uub the reincarnation of kid buu and goku fly away to uubs home village to train and when their done that's when GT begins Goku comes back and gets changed into a little kid
Defeat Grandpa Gohan in "Destined Rivals: 03" to unlock Kid Goku.
Nope. But Pilaf did in Dragon Ball GT, you can read about it on Dragon Ball Wiki if you want.
It depends. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball is weaker then Kid Gohan at all times. Except Gohan in the beginning of Dragonball Z who wasn't angry. Kid Goku in Dragon Ball GT is stronger then Kid Gohan.Also, Kid Gohan has more control over his Saiyan abilities, which can sometimes make him more powerful. Kid Goku didn't until his tail was cut off permanently.
No, there isn't a SSJ Goku because it's based on his kid years.
you can't
no it never happend dragon ball gt isnt cannon