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If you`re referring to the 3 types of Nordics (Beast,Alfar,Ascendant), there is no real certain 1 to use: the 3 are much stronger together. You could mix these Nordic cards to create a good Odin/Thor deck: this type is known as Dual Aesir and is a personal favorite of mine. I run a Wild God deck, combining Nordic essentials with assorted effective cards for the deck: with refurbishing, you can even transform this into a Synchro/XYZ deck (I run Illuminights/ Leviathan Dragon). Here is a good list of cards fo0r this kind of deck:

-Vanadis of the Nordic Ascendant

-Tangnjostr of the Nordic Beasts

Valkyrie, Guldfaxe, basically the works for a Nordic deck

-Trident Warrior (SP. Summon Tangjostr, get him massacred, XYZ summon tokens

- Pot of duality

-Marshmallon (Indestructable)

-Honest (Protect a Vanadis or something)

As for prices, cant help you.

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