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if you mean the confetti in your time igloo, then u press the Up button on the keyboard then the confetti blaster will shoot confetti and there you go!

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Q: How does confetti work on clubpenguin?
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How do you get the confetti launcher to work on clubpenguin?

Click the up arrow

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It is a bug.

How do you turn on the confetti blster in clubpenguin?

you wait a while somewhere other than your igloo

How do you get the confetti blaster to work on club penguin?

well if u wannnaknow how to get the confetti blaster to work you have to do this: first get the confetti blaster then press the arrow pointing up on your ket board. there you have it!

How does the confetti blaster work on club penguine?

you click on it and then use the up and down arrows to make the confetti blast out of the confetti blasters.

How can you have a free membership on Clubpenguin?

There is no possible way unless your parents work for clubpenguin.

How do party popper work?

A party popper is a item with confetti inside. When you pull the string confetti flys out. You can find party poppers at PARTY CITY

Why won't Clubpenguin work on Penguin Storm?

it can work now

How do you get all the items in clubpenguin?

Work hard to get them.

How do you spell confetti?

Confetti is the correct spelling.

Can you work for Clubpenguinn?

Yes but you will have to be 18 years or older to work for clubpenguin.

How do you get work hat in clubpenguin?

You have to be a member. To be a member you have to pay.