cherrim doesnt "evolve" but at nightish time it covers it's self with leaves in the day (sunny) time it opens its leavs and looks diffrent (pinkish yellowish)
Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at Level 25.
Level Cherubi up to level 25. It will evolve into Cherrim.
A cherubi will evolve into a cherrim at lv 25. Hope this helped :D
Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at level 25.
level 25: there can be a SUN FORM aswell
cherubi evolves into cherrim at lvl 25 but cherrim cannot evolve any further
Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at Level 25.
Yes, Cherubi evolves into Cherrim at level 25.
to get a cherrim u must a cherubi and evolve it at level 25 and then teach it petal dance.
You have to evolve Cherubi.
You have to make your cherubi evolve to get a cherrim. The location where you get a cherubi is on a honey tree.
yes you can. just evolve a cheirbu
Level Cherubi up to level 25. It will evolve into Cherrim.
Get a Cherubi by using the honey trees and then evolve it at level 25.
no but i wish it did