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A Wurmple will evolve into either a Cascoon or a Silcoon at level 7. Then at level 10, it will evolve into a Dustox (Cascoon) or Beautifly (Silcoon).

A wurmple will evolve in either cascoon or silcoon depending on its personality value.

Once you catch a wurmple what it will evolve into has already been set in stone, nothing you can do will change it. Personality values are also not accessible by normal means and are unchangeable, no other stats affect the evolution and really the only way to know what you get is by evolving it. Luckily level 7 isn't a very difficult level to reach and wurmple's are very common and easy to catch, so if you evolve one (or two or three or four) and don't get what you want just keep catching them and trying again

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Q: How does a wurmple evolve into a cascoon?
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How does a wurmple evolve into a silcoon?

A Wurmple will evolve into either a Silcoon or a Cascoon at level 7. Then at level 10, it will evolve into a Beautifly (Silcoon) or Dustox (Cascoon).A wurmple will evolve in either silcoon or cascoon depending on its personality value.

How does wurmple evolve into silcoon?

Wurmple evolve into Silcoon/Cascoon at level 7. Then, Silcoon/Cascoon evolve into Beautifly/Dustox at level 10.

How does a wurmple evolve into a cascoon in Pokemon white?

There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know.

What does wurmple evolve into?

wurmple evolves in to silcoon or cascoon but it is totally random. then silcoon evolves in to a beautifly and cascoon evolves in to a dustox

How do you get Wurmple to evolve into Cascoon in Pokemon Soulsilver?

There is a 50/50 chance that a Wurmple will evolve into a Cascoon instead of a Sillcoon. There is no further way to know. It is not chosen by gender.

Where Do you find a cascoon?

You get cascoon when you press the 'B' button on your DS system when your wurmple is about to evolve. The next time it evolves it will be a cascoon. You can not catch cascoon you must evolve it.

Who does wurmple evolve to?

either silcooon or cascoon then beautifly or dustox

How do you get a dusktox?

you catch a wurmple or cascoon and then get is to a level 10 and it will evolve

When does wurmple evolve in Pokemon Ruby?

Wurmple evolves at lvl 10 into either silicoon or cascoon

How does Wurmple evolve?

you level it up but it evolves to cascoon or slicoon

How does a wurmple evolve?

WURMPLE evolves into a SILCOON or a CASCOON Be careful for strong and wild pokemon Bye

Does cascoon evovle?

Wurmple evolves into either Cascoon or Silcoon at random. Then Cascoon and Silcoon evolve into Dustox and Beautifly respectively.