make sure you are an op or have permission for the command and type this into the text box (bring up by pressing T) : /tp <yourname> <theirname> if you want to tp to them. if you want to tp them to you you can do /tp <theirname> <yourname>
If you are on a online server and have the authority to teleport then type /tp player to teleport to them. This also works the other way around
Unless you have mods, It is difficult to create biomes (for example, a forest, swamp, desert, etc). Swamps have a different shaded block for dirt, and it isn't possible to get that shade in other biomes. The easiest way to get a swamp is to walk around and find one. Use creative mode, if you have it. If you need to have a swamp nearby another area, use command blocks to teleport you to the swamp and back.
Create a server, then other people can join your game.
You always type commands into the chat window but if it's a valid command, it won't show to other players. If it's showing to other players, the commands might not be configured/you might not have the proper privileges.
Minecraft copied roblox I mean non of each other did dumb
If you are on a online server and have the authority to teleport then type /tp player to teleport to them. This also works the other way around
The command to make a player head that resembles another player requires the /give command. This command gives you the head portion of the skin and not the hat portion. The command is /give @p 397 1 3 {SkullOwner:PlayerName}.* * Substitute PlayerName with the user name you would like to have the head of.
You type a command into them, then activate it like any other redstone item
To change the gamemode of a player, you would use the command /gamemode and in the player spot you put the name of the person that you want to change the gamemode of
no, some mobs can't, such as skeletons, creepers and zombies, but other mobs like spiders or endermen, climb over or just teleport in.
you can if you have bukkit and essentials installed onto your/others server and you are opped.
Unless you have mods, It is difficult to create biomes (for example, a forest, swamp, desert, etc). Swamps have a different shaded block for dirt, and it isn't possible to get that shade in other biomes. The easiest way to get a swamp is to walk around and find one. Use creative mode, if you have it. If you need to have a swamp nearby another area, use command blocks to teleport you to the swamp and back.
No, only if you want to. That's why it has Single player and Multiplayer buttons.
Create a server, then other people can join your game.
You will get 48 experience for each Falador Teleport cast. You need a Magic level of 37 to cast the spell, and you can't cast the spell past level 20 in RuneScape's Wilderness or if you have been teleblocked by a player or monster. On the other hand, the Falador Teleport on the Lodestone network will grant you 0 experience, but it also free of charge.
There is no other LEGAL place to buy Minecraft.
That depends entirely on the player. one person may say 'yes', the other 'no'.