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You have to sleep in the bed in cabin NO. 2. Go to the bed, press "A." The screen will turn black. When it is over, the text will say you have made land in either slateport or lilycove. If it doesn't say that, than sleep in the bed again. Then talk to the sailor guarding the entrance, and he will let you off.

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Q: How do you you get out of the SS Tidal in Pokemon Emerald?
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How do you get leftovers in Pokemon Emerald?

Leftovers are an item that you can give to Pokemon to hold. In Pokemon Emerald, you can get them from the bins on the SS Tidal.

When is the ss tidal done in Pokemon emerald?

After you beat the elite four.

How do you get the SS tidal on Pokemon emerald?

Deafeat the Elite 4, then go to the fairy.

Where is peeku and mr swiney after the elite four in Pokemon emerald?

They are on the SS Tidal

In Pokemon Emerald what city is the ss tidal located in?

Answer:Lilycove City and Slateport City.

Pokemon emerald were do you get the second ticket for the ss tidal?

Beat the elete four 19 times.

Where is the ss tidal in Pokemon emerald?

Beat the elite four. Then go to Slateport's port and the ferry is there.

On Pokemon Emerald how do you get to Faraway Island?

You need the old sea chart show it to the the lady who asks for your ticket on the SS Tidal.

Where do you find captin stern on Pokemon ruby?

In the area where the SS Tidal is.

How do you get to battle frontier in emerald?

simple: win the pokémonleague and take the SS Tidal in slateport city or lillycove!!

Where to use ss tidal ticket in Pokemon?

Its in Lilycove or Slateport. Its in Lilycove or Slateport.

Pokemon emerald where do you get the second ticket for the ss tidal after you beat the elite four 19?

In the video game Pokémon Emerald, there is only one ticket for the S.S. Tidal which can be found in game, which is the S.S. Ticket. There are several other tickets which are not available in-game, but only through Nintendo-sponsored special events.