jeu is the French word for game
It depends if you write it "Videogame" or "Video Game".
Jeu is a French equivalent of 'game'. It's a masculine gender noun that takes as its definite article 'le' ['the'] and as its indefinite 'un' ['a, one']. It's pronounced 'zhuh'.
Jeu de lettres
He has in French is "Il a..." Hope this helps :)
To write "50th" in French, you would write "50ème."
to write is "écrire" in French.
the same way as in englishb but write it in french!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how to write i have eaten in french: J'ai mange
To write Abigail in French is easy. You just write it the same way.
'to be' is "être" in French.
No in French is non.
to write is spelled 'écrire' in French.
what number system is used to write French numbers
'Sept' is the word used in french to write seven.
To write -26 in French, you would write "moins vingt-six."