go to a bed go to relax have other sim relax and if you're that far along to woohoo with that sim it will come up in menu when you click on other sim relaxing on bed too
If your Two sims are in Romance level (You know this if your sims can Make out) get both of your sims to relax in Bed by clicking on the bed and press Relax. Make sure both of your sims to do it. Then click on the sims you want to Woo Hoo with and press Woo Hoo or Try to have a Baby
first you must be romantic for 20 days then you can woo hoo i have nds rated E
cats and dogs can woo hoo in a dog house and horses can woo hoo in a stable (old western)
No teen Sims cannot do woo hoo in Sims 2 only adults may do woo hoo.
If your Two sims are in Romance level (You know this if your sims can Make out) get both of your sims to relax in Bed by clicking on the bed and press Relax. Make sure both of your sims to do it. Then click on the sims you want to Woo Hoo with and press Woo Hoo or Try to have a Baby
first you must be romantic for 20 days then you can woo hoo i have nds rated E
Get married and 'woo hoo'.
cats and dogs can woo hoo in a dog house and horses can woo hoo in a stable (old western)
Yes. On the original Sims, there is a special bed you can by that will let you...you know.
in the heart bed for 4 500 simoleans
They could on sims 2, why not on sims 3??? :PPhotofreak:Yes, they can.
Not the sims castaway thing, the one where your car beaks down in strangetown. I romance with all the guys and stuff, but I wanna know if you can woo hoo. :)
It's the Kefka laugh! WOO HOO HOO WOO HOO HOO + HOOP It's "Miss You" by the Rolling Stones!!! Woo hoo hoo hoo...Woo hoo hoo hoo