step one - get on the floor
step two - try not to sweat
step three - sweat a lot
at the store
Here are the best ones as of 2012: Just Dance 3 EA Sports Active 2 Exerbeat Zumba Fitness 2 Dance Dance Revolution II
there is just dance 1 and just dance 2 for the PS3 :) but if you go on websites like game, they will have a wide variety of dance games to choose from!
Yes Just dance 4 does have gangNAM style.
Just play it the same, there are dance moves for the right and left hand.
Just dance 3
This is based on opinion, but personally I love Just Dance 2! Not Just Dance one... I have yet to play Just Dance 3.
Not yet only Just dance, Just dance 2, and Just dance 3!!!!
no of course not because just dance 3 you have better songs
just dance greatest hits
Hopefully, Just Dance 3, will be out on the 11th of October 2011
It is just a matter of opinion though. But in my opinion it would have to be just dance 3.
I don't think you can get just dance 3 on kinect but you can get dance central 2for kinect.Just dance is only for the wii
quest crew
Any game related shop should have just dance 3 for the Wii.
yes but you have to buy it