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Q: How do you win The Game of Life board game?
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What does playing the game mean?

Playing a game mean a board with little chicks or any that you will win or loose......playing-join a game and to see if you will win or loose so it mean play......You play a game..........So playing a game mean...... to join a board with little chick or anything that you will win or loose and to see if you will win or loose!!Sorry that is all I know

How do you win a game of Pictionary?

reach the last space on the board.

How do you win mancala the board game on one turn?

it is impossible

Are there any cheats for the game red beard?

just press the Q on your key board to win the game.

What makes a board game fun and how to make a board game to win a class contest?

The complexity of a board game is the most fun for educational competition such as answering questions to advance in the game, unlike less complex board games that rely on dice or a colorful cube to determine where to move. Create a type of pathway game that requires knowledge to get to a certain destination with a final question, like a tie breaker of some sort.

What piece could win a chess game by getting across the board?

The pawn upon it's promotion and properly applied to the strategy in capturing the opponent's king could win the game of chess .

How did they win the game?

they did win the game they lost

How can one win the board game called Careers?

One has to gain a minimum amount of Fame, Happiness and Money in order to win the game. Victory conditions are set before the game begins. The total of those 3 must be equal to 60 and the victory conditions are set before the game begins.

What do you do once you catch the crab on poptropica board walk?

then you get gregs money with the crab and give it to him and then you win the game

What do you use the rabbit foot for on wimpy board walk?

when you go back to the board walk greg will be their and he will tell you it is impossible to win the game he is standing, in front of then when you play it with the rabbit foot you will win.

What was Paul Larson able to do on the game show Press What if your Luck to win 110237 in cash and prizes?

He was able to memorize the patterns used on the Press Your Luck game board

What is a game that starts with the letter N?

Are you smarter than a 10 year old/fith grader is a board game now so does the A count?