You have to conquer at least 50 cities within the time limit (of 267 years in the game terms) or if your the Romans then to conquer the senate but you can still carry on if you want after you've coquered the senate until you have won the game the normal way.
how to change unit color Rome total war
Enter your Rome Total War folder and double click the "replays" folder.
Simply scroll on your mouse.
By Buying it from a store
i dont know my name
Yes, you can, you must win them in war....
Yes there will be Rome total war 2 (Total war Rome total war2) in 2013
Yes what about ambushing in rome total war???
The war.
how to change unit color Rome total war
yes Rome total war is the best game ever invented
Empire total war is way better. Better graphics, more units can be played on the field, naval battles, no annoying dippolomats or merchants, 3 campaigns, you can sail off around the world and you are able to win battles only by skill not units. Rome total war is fun but, it is nothing compared to Empire total war. Empire Total War is however quite buggy (better now with patches though) and Rome TW seems to me to be a much more diverse one, with armies and gameplay changing greatly from faction to faction.
Enter your Rome Total War folder and double click the "replays" folder.
Total war: Rome 2
I have never heard any game called"Rome Total War Barbarian I nvasion"