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You can't, but you can use Netflix if you have an account.

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Q: How do you watch a DVD on the wii?
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Can you watch DVD on your wii?

hi you cannot wach dvds on a Nintendo wii.

How do you legally watch DVD on Wii?

You can't. As far as I am aware you can only watch DVDs on Wii by using homebrew.

Can you watch an DVD on the Wii?

No, only PS@ and PS3's do that.

Does Netflix give you a DVD for the Wii so you could watch it on your tv?

First off the Nintendo Wii cannot play DVDs, so no netflix does not give you a dvd for wii so you can watch on the tv. Nintendo said that that was to expensive to add a feature so you can watch movies on wii.

Do you have to set up something to watch movies on the Nintendo Wii?

I don't really think it's possible to watch a DVD on a Nintendo Wii gaming system.

Can you watch DVD movies in the Wii U?

No, the Nintendo Wii U cannot read DVDs. You can use other applications such as Netflix to watch movies though

Can the Wii play moves?

I am not sure i know for a fact that you can do netflix on the family and i watch movies on the wii with netflix all the time.....but far as a dvd.........give it a try :)

Can wii be used as a DVD?


Can a Nintendo Wii play movies?

The Nintendo Wii U can play videos through applications such as YouTube, Hulu and Netflix (though paid subscription may be required).However, the Nintendo Wii U will not read DVDs or Blu Ray Discs so you cannot use the Wii U as a DVD player

If a wii has been modded can it play DVD movies?

no, the wii cannot read DVD's, even if it is modded, the wii uses a different format, so it won't recognize a DVD. Also if you "mod" the wii, it will void the warranty, and should anything go wrong with it, Nintendo will NOT fix or refund the Wii

Is the Wii a DVD player?

no, the Wii uses a different format for its games, thee Wii will not recognize a DVD EDIT: technically you can. if you softmod your wii, you can install a DVD player app. I do not recommend this however because it will break your disk drive eventually.

If video games are DVD's then why can't the wii play movies?

The Wii was not programmed to recognize a DVD when you put one in the disk slot.