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use the pokeflute but if ur in heartgold or soulsilver, move the dot on ur radio to the top of the circle (pokeflute channel)

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Q: How do you wake up Snorlax in Pokemon leaf green?
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How do you wake up Snorlax in route 12 in leaf green?

get the poke flute

How to wake up drowzy in Pokemon Green leaf?

Okay, there are a few things wrong. First, it is "Leaf Green", not Green Leaf. Second, the Pokémon is spelt Drowzee, not Drowzy. Third, it is Snorlax that is blocking the way, not a Drowzee. To wake it up, use Pokéflute (that you get from Lavender Town) and it will attack. Catch it, because it is a very powerful Pokémon.

How do you wake Snorlax?

use the Pokemon flute

How do you wake up Snorlax on Pokemon Silver?

The only way to wake up Snorlax on Pokemon Silver is by using the Poke Flute on kanto radio

How do you get past the sleeping snarilax on route 16 in Pokemon leaf green?

You have to have the silph scope and go to lavender town.Get to the top of the tower and you should see mr Fuji,he gives you a poke Flute to wake snorlax up

How do you wake up Snorlax on Pokemon soal silver?

you wake him up with the pokeflute

When does Snorlax wake up in Pokemon Ranger?

kick him.

FireRed What do you do with the poke flute?

you could wake up Pokemon blocking your way like snorlax you could wake up Pokemon blocking your way like snorlax

How do you wake up Snorlax to get to the fifth gym in leaf green?

Its been such a long time schince I played that game. But you need a flute of some dort.

Pokemon soul silver how to wake up Snorlax?

The Pokeflute!!!!

How do you catch a Snorlax in Pokemon FireRed?

After you reach Celadon city there should be 2 snorlaxes blocking the path to Fuschia city, if you have the pokeflute use it to wake the up and battle them. They are POSSIBLE to catch.there are 3 snorlax in firered/ leaf green. they are all slepping in the road and blocking your path. use the pokeflut to wake up a sleeping snorlax and battle as usuall.oops, two usually below lavender town and 1 by celadon city(left)

What do you do to wake up the Snorlax in Pokemon soulsilver?

Go into your pokegear and find flute then snorlax will wake up and you have a chance to catch him or you just run away