you type it in on the computer then you fine the code then use it on the computer or dsi
well try petz workshop im sorry but i cant tell you how to use it becuse i don't know how
To get your pets to breed simply get the couple together and spray the love potion on them (you may need to spray them quite a few times) and eventually a red heart will appear up on the screen which says the female is expecting a puppy (or kitten if it is a cat) and the puppy or kitten will come when you select the pregnant pet in exactly two days time. If you forget the pet is pregnant go to the pets profile and it will say "pregnant Yes". Note: If you don't know what the love potion looks like it is the red heart shaped bottle with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle. You can also use PetzA, a Sherlock Software program, to have your petz breed automatically by the push of a button. The babies can be born with no wait, too! Just put the pregnant female out and back in again.
There use to be a fire code, but as many people use it at the same time, it was banned. The sims 2 pets creators commented: "Too many people use the code. Its now there responsibility to put less things in there house" Even though it might not work, here is the code: (WHATS THE POINT ITS A WASTE OF TIME) <,>,X,R,L,L,L,L,R,S (THE "S" IS SQUARE) Oh and you have to do this code ONLY when your house is on fire! Lots of people have said that when they do the code (when there house is not on fire,)there sims turned green or white!! IM SERIOUS! THATS WHY THEY BANNED COZ PEOPLE GOT ANGRY. SO BEWARE. you never know when it can work again
you use it to use other codes ex. the code you use disapears use a mater code it will work
you must learn all the games and nursery games for newborns. then it will say the outside feature is use able. Go to the little green door on the options bar. press the button one with 4 pets on it. then press the one with the newborn baby on a bed with a bow. ♥
you type it in on the computer then you fine the code then use it on the computer or dsi
Unfortunately, most codes in AQWorlds are single use, meaning that once a code is used, nobody else can use it. Therefore, there is no singular code for pets from Heromart items.
.pet files, for whatever reason, are not compatible with Petz Workshop. If you really want to edit a pet, you'll have to use a hexeditor or LNZ pro.
well try petz workshop im sorry but i cant tell you how to use it becuse i don't know how
do the same as u do with the same breed of pet DUH I think I have a better answer. All you have to do is breed the two pets together, but it can be very difficult to get them to breed sometimes. I think that you should either: 1. Get PetzA, a Sherlock Software program. It is free and has no viruses. It allows you to control your petz better. You can gender-swap, spay/neuter and un-spay/neuter, use brain-sliders to control how hungry/tired/sick/neglected your petz are, and choose who to breed with who in an instant. You can even set it to have your babies be born as soon as you breed your petz, put them away, and bring them back out! It is amazing and completely worth it! 2. Use the harder method, and breed your petz all-natural. You can set up a lovely dinner party with heart-shaped pillows, leftovers, romantic music, that one cupid's potion thingy, and perfume. 3.Just find those two petz that love each other from the start. I put two of my catz in Catz 3 together, and they wouldn't stop having children. I finally had to separate them permanently after they had 15! How sad for them :( I hope you do well in Petz! :3 -Rebecca
to customize your Mara Pets Club you can use a Logo and a Layout. Layouts are hard to make and Hard to code. The sell expensive. Logos are difficult to find the code from, But they go cheaper than most. Layouts: 50k-150k Logos: 25k-80k
The way you get funds is if you have enrolled babies they give you money to be in your nursery. Another way is sort of a cheat and you enroll your on babies in your nursery and buy food from the dining hall and the money you use on it transfers that money from your regular beads to your nursery funds.
The nursery is full of hundreds of hazards, some of which are obvious but others are hidden dangers that you have to look out for. The best idea is to use a nursery safety checklist to make sure it is set up correctly.
usually when the seeds are expencive
No. You dont. I work at a nursery and I make food for them, no licence. BUT DO NOT USE PEANUT BUTTER OR ANYTHING WITH PEANUTS!!!!
To get your pets to breed simply get the couple together and spray the love potion on them (you may need to spray them quite a few times) and eventually a red heart will appear up on the screen which says the female is expecting a puppy (or kitten if it is a cat) and the puppy or kitten will come when you select the pregnant pet in exactly two days time. If you forget the pet is pregnant go to the pets profile and it will say "pregnant Yes". Note: If you don't know what the love potion looks like it is the red heart shaped bottle with a yellow lightning bolt in the middle. You can also use PetzA, a Sherlock Software program, to have your petz breed automatically by the push of a button. The babies can be born with no wait, too! Just put the pregnant female out and back in again.