X Defend is sort of like Calcium, i think, or whatever vitamin raises defense. But the only difference is that you use it during battle, rather than in normal game play.
Ninjask. use X-scissor. super effective.
There is no cheat in Pokemon to get additional PC boxes. Those who need additional space in Pokemon X and Y can use Nintendo's Pokemon Bank service.
The Legendary Pokemon available in Pokemon X/Y are:Xerneas (X only)Yveltal (Y only)ArticunoZapdosMoltresMewtwoZygarde
Dive is no longer a TM or a HM in Pokemon X/Y. You'll have to have a Pokemon learn it naturally.
Scientists use X-ray diffraction to study the crystal structure of minerals. This method involves directing X-rays at a mineral sample and measuring the diffraction pattern produced, which can help determine the arrangement of atoms within the crystal lattice of the mineral.
Inkay is unobtainable in the games before X, Y, Alpha Sapphire, and Omega Ruby.
on the legendary Pokemon that you encounter on the game thx for reading x --:)--x
You use the item X accuracy in battle to boost one of your Pokemon's accuracy for the duration of that battle.
Pokemon X/Y would be a good team to use in online battles for Pokemon X.
Scientists use a variety of techniques to study crystal structure, including X-ray crystallography, neutron diffraction, electron diffraction, and scanning probe microscopy. These methods help scientists determine the arrangement of atoms within a crystal lattice, providing insights into a material's physical and chemical properties.
use a metal coat
well if you have a exp. share use it on weak Pokemon and on a x-tream strong Pokemon and get big levels
Ninjask. use X-scissor. super effective.
X-ray Crystallography is a method of determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal, in which a beam of X-ray strikes a crystal and diffracts into many specific directions.Procedure:The crystal is brought into the vicinity of the X-rays introduced by an X-ray source.The diffraction from the crystal is made possible.The diffracted beam is observed upon the collecting photographic film.Methods for X-ray Crystallography:Lauve MethodRotating crystal methodPowder Method
X-ray Crystallography is a method of determining the arrangement of atoms within a crystal, in which a beam of X-ray strikes a crystal and diffracts into many specific directions.Procedure:The crystal is brought into the vicinity of the X-rays introduced by an X-ray source.The diffraction from the crystal is made possible.The diffracted beam is observed upon the collecting photographic film.Methods for X-ray Crystallography:Lauve MethodRotating crystal methodPowder Method