You automatically use it whenever you walk over the ash covered grass. The more you walk on the ash grass the more ash you collect.
Dawn stones aren't available in Pokemon Emerald. Use Mystery Gift.
Pokemon Emerald can trade with Pokemon versions ruby and sapphire through the use of a trade cable. Emerald can use Wireless adapters to trade with FireRed and LeafGreen aswell. Pokemon from emerald can be permanantly traded to Pokemon games Platinum, Pearl and Diamond by using the GBA slot.. =D I hope this helps =D
If you want an Articuno on Pokemon Emerald you have to trade from Fire Red or Leaf Green. Or use a Game Shark.
To use the Soot Sack in Pokemon Ruby you simply need to walk through ash covered grass in Route 113 and the Jagged Pass. The ash is picked up automatically and can be used to make some items at the Glass Workshop on Route 113.
You don't "use" the soot sack, you simply walk around and the soot sack takes care of picking up the soot for you...don't take my word for it, just go back to the guy who gave it to you and see how much you've accumulated. :)
NO you can not play Pokemon emerald in Coloseum.
you use pal park to get emerald Pokemon to pearl bur you can't transfer them back to emerald
you can use it to awaken your pokemon in battle
no no
Dawn stones aren't available in Pokemon Emerald. Use Mystery Gift.
I dont have Emerald but I think Lombre does.
your mother
to evolve Pokemon