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Well, if you want to use the sled you can play sled race at the mountain.

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Q: How do you use the sled on club penguin?
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No, Night of the Living Sled was the last one. Night of the Living Sled was released 2009. There was no change in the 2010 Halloween Party on Club Penguin.

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Where do you test the sled Club Penguin?

Ski hill

What does the tobggan do on Club Penguin?

On clubpenguin the toboggan does nothing really special but if you buy it then you can use it in a sled race. But to use it you must buy it, then you click on your penguin card and you click on the toboggan in your inventory and then you are holding it. then you enter a sled race and you can see you penguin riding a toboggan. NOTE: this does not increase or decrease your speed during a sled race.

What is the games when you go down a hill on Club Penguin?

Sled racing

How do you jump in sled racing on Club Penguin?

press your space bar

How do you get a sled on club penguin?

Go on top of Ski hill click the flier on the wooden pole and choose a sled.