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you click on bag then go on to key items or items whichever one it is and click use u dimwit HAHAHA

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Q: How do you use the powder jar on Pokemon Fire Red?
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How do you USE the powder jar on Pokemon Leaf Green?

It carries berry powder which can be made using the berry crush machine in the Pokemon center it's located upstairs you must talk to the lady behind the far right counter with a wireless adapter connected she will save your game then you can choose Berry Crush have a friend join you then keep pressing the A button to crush the berries you put in the machine in order to create berry powder. Once you make some you can take them to the old man who gave you the powder to receive rare items from him ranging from Energypowder to PP Up.

How do you crush berries on Pokemon emerald I got the powder jar so what am I supposed to do I tried every Pokemon center and I couldn't find the place where you crush berries Please tell me how OK?

It's very simple of you want to do Berry crush you need a wireless adapter and another person to do the berry crush and if you want to do any thing wireless in Pokemon emerald then you need a GBA or GBA SP

How do you put a red flower in a mason jar on your Lego network to make a potted plant?

you get the potted plant blueprint

How do you get to the Direct Corner in Pokemon FireRed?

The direct corner is located upstairs in every Pokemon center just talk to the lady behind the last counter while your GBA link cable is connected with another GBA (GBASP's also work) you can choose from trade center or colosseum while at the direct corner. If you have wireless adapters you can also use the berry crush machine at the direct corner only if you have the powder jar on both games.

Where can you get a berry crusher in FireRed?

To berry crush you need two wireless adapters, a friend and some berries and the powder jar located in cerulean city, go up the escalator at any Pokemon center hook up the wireless adapter to your GBAorGBASP then talk to the lady on the far right she will ask you to go in the trade center or colosseum or berry crush, choose berry crush and have your friend do the same then pick a berry that says its good to make medicine have your friend do the same then press the A button repeatedely and you will receive berry powder.

Related questions

How do you get the powder jar on Pokemon LeafGreen?

Get at least 1 berry. Then go to cerulean city. Go in one of the houses and talk to the man. Say yes to his question and he will give you the powder jar.

How do you use the powder jar in Pokemon fire red?

You can't actually use it you show it to the old man who gave it to you after you make yourself some berry powder to do that have a friend and you hook up wireless adapters to your GBA's then head to the Pokemon center and then go upstairs talk to the lady behind the far right counter let her save your game then choose Berry Crush have one player become leader and have the other join group then confirm the link with A and your off to go berry crushing. Choose a berry that works good for medicine (it will say so) and have your friend do the same now after it says GO start pressing the A button as fast as possible and have your friend do the same until the machine reaches the bottom once that happens berry powder is created! Congrats now show the powder to the old man to receive items from him.

How much powder does a 5 gram jar hold?

A 5 gram jar typically holds approximately 1 to 1.5 teaspoons of powder, depending on the density of the product.

White powder in the jar...I thought it was corn starch but it tastes sour. Do you know what it is?

Possibly baking powder?

How does fire go out if its covered by a jar?

Fire requires oxygen to burn. No oxygen = no flame. When you put a flame in a jar it lives off the oxygen inside the jar for a while. Once you put a lid on the jar, eventually the jar will run out of oxygen and the flame will burn out.

Where is the berry jar in Pokemon emerald?

There is no such thing as a berry jar, well, not that I know of anyway.

Can you put out a fire by putting a jar over it?

Yes you can

Where can you buy a jar of red cabbage?

In the garden

Where to find powder jar in ruby?

Slateport City. However, you can only receive one in Emerald.

How do you USE the powder jar on Pokemon Leaf Green?

It carries berry powder which can be made using the berry crush machine in the Pokemon center it's located upstairs you must talk to the lady behind the far right counter with a wireless adapter connected she will save your game then you can choose Berry Crush have a friend join you then keep pressing the A button to crush the berries you put in the machine in order to create berry powder. Once you make some you can take them to the old man who gave you the powder to receive rare items from him ranging from Energypowder to PP Up.

There are 9 red and 6 blue marbles in a jar If you draw red marbles from the jar 7 times what is the experimental probability of drawing a red marble?

The answer is dependent on whether of not you replace the marbles in the jar. If you do, the probability of drawing a red marble is 9 in 15 or 60%, every time. If you do not replace the marbles, the probability of drawing a red marble is 2 in 8 or 25%.

A jar contains 40 red marbles and 10 black marbles If you take a random sample of one marble from this jar. What is the probability that the marble will be red?

80% chance, Or 40/50