You drop the orb, then you pick it up again.
It includes: ff 'player' fly 'player' kick 'player'
and more.
You get it from VolcanoINC
They are the basic commands of Person99's Admin Script. You can find that list on the forums.
you don't get the red orb in Pokemon heart gold you get the blue orb that you use to get kyogre
Roblox studio then roblox site will tell u rest
you can use roblox studio to hack other people games too
how make ORB
By inserting the players orb script
You get it from VolcanoINC
It's like a slightly down graded orb.
They are the basic commands of Person99's Admin Script. You can find that list on the forums.
In order to use the orb just click it.
in mt. coronet,use waterfall in an part of it,go it the room to get the orb and the lustrous orb
You give the lustrous orb to Garitina.
No, you have to use roblox studio for that.
you don't get the red orb in Pokemon heart gold you get the blue orb that you use to get kyogre
Roblox studio then roblox site will tell u rest