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The only way you can use the Mystery Gift is from a event from GameStop. Since these games are out of style, you can't get them anymore. There where events to get rare Pokemon, I don't think you can do it anymore, tough. If you can, I wouldn't know about it.

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Q: How do you use the mystery gift in Pokemon LeafGreen?
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How do you use mystery gift in pokemon leafgreen?

get a zigzagoon in safari zone

How do you get a mystic ticket on Pokemon LeafGreen without cheats?

go to the mystery gift and use it daily then you'll get it

How do you you use the mystery gift on FireRed and LeafGreen?

In order to use mystery gift you first need to unlock it, second you need a wireless adapter, third you need to go to a Nintendo event that is giving out a Pokemon that can go to firered or leafgreen bring your GBA and wireless adapter to the event and access mystery gift at the event you can receive the special Pokemon now.

How do you use a mystery gift in Pokemon LeafGreen?

u would have to have2 or four gb together then link them up

How do you get Wonder Cards in Pokemon LeafGreen?

USE MYSTERY GIFT!!! ANd make sure you put a wireless adapter on your gameboy.

How do you use Mystery Gift in Pokemon Emerland?

U can not get Mystery Gift on Pokemon Sapphire(same thing with Ruby.)To use Mystery Gift U hav 2 get a wireless addapter.But science U can not use 1 on Pokemon Sapphire, (and Ruby,) U can ONLY get it on Pokemon Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen.

What is the purpose of mystery gift in sappire and LeafGreen?

you can use it at the time where your supposed to go into the game it will read "mystery gift"

How do you get all tickets only in Pokemon LeafGreen?

you must use gameshark, action reaply, or go to a Nintendo live event and use the mystery gift

Can you use the mystery gift with a link cable?

The Mystery Gift in Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire, Emerald, FireRed, and LeafGreen all use the wireless adapter that goes into the GameBoy Advance to obtain special Nintendo events and/or DLC. (Downloadable content) The link cable was only used for the Mystery Gift in Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal.

How do you get the Aurora pass in Pokemon LeafGreen and firered?

to get the aurora pass i think you need to get it through a mystery gift, or if you use an action replay then you can get it from that by cheating.. hope that helps!!!

How do you use Mystery Gift when connecting Fire Red to LeafGreen?

use connect regularly and u need to talk to that guy by the PC in rustburo and tell him mystery gift is exicting

How do you get to islands 8 9 on Pokemon leaf green version?

use the mystery gift option use the mystery gift option