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You can swing the crowbar with the left mouse button. If you aim at a crate or an enemy when you swing it, you can hit something with it.

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Q: How do you use the crowbar on half life?
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Where is Gordon freemans crowbar?

Just past the first headcrab you meet in half-life

When do you get your crowbar back in half life 2 episode 1?

Towards the end of the game

How do you use crowbar in a sentence?

Please hand me that crowbar.Drop the crowbar on your own foot next time!A crowbar is perfect for this task.

What are some tools that start with c?

Carpet stretcher, caulking gun, chain saw, chisel, circular saw, clamp, claw hammer, crescent wrench and crowbar are tools. They begin with the letter c.

What is the use of crowbar in plant establishment?

The crowbar is used to to make individual small holes when planting established grass. Crowbar is one of the best tools to use digging small holes.

What do you use the crowbar for on ghost story island?

If You Are inside the vampire castle PS. You get in through the window. You Use The Crowbar to open the door with the chains on it! :)

Why are the vortiguants bad in half life 1 and good in half life 2?

In Half-Life 1 The vortigaunts were confused.. Their image of mankind was a man in a strange orange suit running at them with a crowbar... Wouldnt you want to kill them too? Now im Half-Life 2 You Free'd them from the Alien Controllers power by destroying the Nihilanth.. Now several years after the resonance cascade they praise humanity. They do not wish to kill you now :3

How do you use a crowbar?

go over the factory and you will find a drainage pip with a locked metal grate. click on it and the crowbar will pry it open

When was the crowbar invented?

The original tool, the "crow" was invented in the 1400s, while the term "crowbar" didn't come into use until the 1700s.

How much does a crowbar weigh?

Crowbars usually weigh about 5 pounds. You can buy variants which weigh more. But I have never in my life held a 25 to 30 pound crowbar.

How do you use prise in a sentence?

You couldn't prise me loose with a crowbar.

How do you remove the display panel in a buick rivera?

Use a crowbar.