While riding the Acro Bike, press and hold B while standing still. After a second, you will begging hopping as long as you hold B.
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
There is no place to buy elixers in Pokemon Sapphire. You can, however, use your Itemfinder to search them out randomly.
There is only one pokemon you can use it on and that is eevee to get vaporeon
you cant get an explorer kit Pokemon Sapphire dosent use wi-fi you can get an explorers kit at Pokemon diamond, Pokemon pearl, Pokemon platinum and that's it :[]
there are many MANY Pokemon that can use the hm flash in Pokemon sapphire. the following Pokemon can: grovile( treeko),kirlia(ralts)shroomish, eletrike, Roselia, plusle, munun, magnemite, voltorb and many more
you need an acro bike then use bunny hop tap b and direction at the same time
the best pokemon to use is mudkip.
use their Pokemon
There is no place to buy elixers in Pokemon Sapphire. You can, however, use your Itemfinder to search them out randomly.
You can use the Good Rod in Pokemon Sapphire to catch Pokemon. To get it, talk to a fisherman on Route 118.
There is only one pokemon you can use it on and that is eevee to get vaporeon
it will awake your Pokemon in battle if its a sleep
The sapphire is on Six Island. You need a Pokemon to use cut on the dotted door of the cave.
Use it on a Pokemon it will raise that Pokemon's special defense stat.
Combined with the sapphire the ruby and sapphire will allow you to trade with ruby and sapphire and emerald.
I think you have to use a cheat to get it.