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buy it then wear it then do one of the dances

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Q: How do you use the bulldozer in club penguin?
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Can you use a weopon on Club Penguin?

No, you cannot use one on Club Penguin. If you're thinking about that then Club Penguin is not the right place to be.

How do you use Club Penguin 2.1?

You can only use the latest version of Club Penguin.

How do you get a server unfull on Club Penguin?

use club penguin storm

How does a penguin use the computer on Club Penguin?

you cant

Can you get a puffle on club penguin elite penguin force?

No, but you will have have to be trained on how to use them and what to use them for.

What is spy phone in club penguin?

a spyphone is a phone on club penguin epf agents use

Who is alexissr11 on Club Penguin?

She use to be alexissr10. she makes vids on youtube and plays club penguin

What did club penguin use to make their website?

CLub penguin uses a program called plesk!

How much MB does club penguin use?

Club Penguin has membership and at least half are members.

WHAT IS CP Trainer?

Club Penguin trainers are programs that people use to hack Club Penguin.

How do you connect Club Penguin with the unlimited Club Penguin beta 2?

You cant if club penguin does not pop up when you go on the beta. That means you cant use it on club penguin all hack systems DO NOT work, but they USE TO work. But somehow Club Penguin saw this and shut the systems down so it will not work. So basically the beta will not work and you cant use and that is the answer.

How do you get to the migrator on Club Penguin when its gone?

use penguin storm